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Thursday 14 June 2012

huge left lobe liver cyst-laparoscopic fenestration and omentopexy

left lobe nonprasitic hepatic cyst

about 2.5 to 3 liters of amber clour fluid aspirated.

hepatic cyst wall falgurated with bowa vessel sealer

fenestration completed, wall sent for biopsy,lavage given

omentopexy done

a 55 yr male having c/o lump in abdomen with heaviness in abdoman since 6 months,unable to take food, persistent vomiting.the huge intraabdominal mass covering all quadrants of abdomen turned to be diagnosed as huge left lobe nonparacytic hepatic cyst on sonography and CT SCAN. no other cyst in pancreas or kidney.his LFT and other blood reports were normal, with low hb. hydatid antigen test was not done.alfa fetoprotein was boarderline raised,laparoscopic aspiration was done, about 2.5 litre of amber colour fluid drained which was not bile-stained. pus-flakes we removed, liver cyst wall was falgurated with BOWA VESSEL SEALER DEVICE( recommended because there are chances of bile leak from the cyst wall).thorough wash was given , omentopexy done , 32 no. abdo drain kept in cavity .done with four port technique. biposy confirmed the diagnosis of benign hepatic cyst. done by ME, dr bhavin bhuva, dr chetan morawala at naveli hospital. post-op phase was uneventful, pt was discharged on 4rth postopday .now after about 10 months ,pt is fine and without recurrence.